Recent ROV News Stories Sep 19, '17
Avro Arrow models search team says 'there are more jets out there than originally thought'
"Members of the Raise the Arrow expedition unveiled still photographs and underwater video from a remote-operated vehicle on Friday morning in Toronto, confirming the discovery of the free-flight model." (Read more ...)
Wreckage Of USS Indianapolis, Sunk By Japanese In WWII, Found In Pacific
"For 72 years since the cruiser USS Indianapolis sank after being struck by Japanese torpedoes in the waning days of World War II, its exact resting place had been a mystery." (Read more ...)
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab Orders an ROV
"National Aeronautics Space Administration’s (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has placed an order for an unmanned underwater vehicle to be used for the creation of multidimensional maps of oceanic environs as part of its Ocean Worlds exploration program." (Read more ...)
Published: September 19, 2017