Contributing to ROVCentral

Help grow the site!

Have you got some great news story suggestions, videos of your latest marine project, or new resources/suppliers that readers might be interested in? Submit them!

Ways to Contribute:

Everyone is welcome to submit contributions. Submissions will be vetted to ensure the site stays on-topic and the administrator doesn't get overloaded.

Disclaimer: The site will eventually include some form of advertising. Gotta pay the bills. Ideally, though, any ads or promotions run through the site will be directly related to ROV interests.


The ROVCentral Twitter account is: @ROVCentral


Visit the BitBucket Issue Tracker for ROVCentral to provide suggestions, no registration required!


The main inbox hasn't been set up for ROVCentral yet. Coming soon!


If you have an account on GitHub (or create one - they're free), you can use the Issues interface to suggest new content (or see above, for the BitBucket Suggestion Box). This interface can be found here:

New Isssues/Suggestions:

The list of Resources lives as a file on GitHub, so you can actually edit it directly in the GitHub interface and submit a "Pull Request" to suggest new links:

Edit the Resources List:

The Resources page uses the "Markdown" format, which you can read about here:

ROVCentral is built using Sculpin, a static site generator.